mommy said not to talk to strangers.. but she's always drunk all the time why should I listen to her advice?

Rob Boss @MrApophis

Age 23, Male

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Well, this site has radically changed since it's inception. It owes its success to trolling, via Tellytubby funland, Pico's School (which makes fun of columbine) and other shit the creator made. However, after around 2008 the content started to just .. become degenerate. Back in the days before youtube and google videos, Newgrounds was the hub of adolescent activity. However, as the internet evolved, our computers and networks were strong enough for videos on the go instead of waiting 5 fucking hours for it to load or bypassing our data limit.

If you look at the average flash submitted today, it seems like you have to be some fruity generation z autist to understand or enjoy it. I registered this account in 08 or 09 but never used it until 2014. I figured I'd carry on the legacy of the ancient by trolling and shitposting, much like Livecorpse did. However, some faggot mod deleted all of my audio except for 3. I've stopped by after a month to check in on my content.

I want to say, fuck all of you up the ass with a Saguaro cactus. All of you except for my friends, who I won't name because i dont want the faggot SJW mods b&ing you too.

This site is culturally dead. as gay and degenerate as 4chan is, even it's better quality than here. This site stopped being relevant around the time Obama was first getting into power. It was fun to troll or shitpost but my work here is done. Good day. I won't be missed by all you autists, and vise versa. I have better sites to frequent.